Disability Justice 101: A Discussion
Friday, March 14, 2025 12:00–1:00 PM
- DescriptionEvent State: Confirmed<br>Organization: Office of Diversity<br>Event Name: Disability Justice 101: A Discussion<br>Event Locator: 2025-AASXRA<br><br><p>The Office of Diversity invites everyone to participate in a <a href="https://lewisu-edu.zoom.us/j/8809196228?pwd=d0dZZGw4b0FzZzJ1YkFkVXBxOGNzUT09&omn=82328554543" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Zoom</a> discussion on disability justice. This session will explore the key principles of disability justice and provide an opportunity for us to reflect on how we can create a more just and supportive environment for everyone. </p>
- CategoriesStudent Events