- LocationSRFC Group Exercise Studio
- DescriptionEvent Name: Yoga<br>Event State: Confirmed<br>Organization: Recreation & Fitness Center<br>Event Locator: 2024-AASJBH<br><br><p>Join us for a yoga flow class open to all levels! Drop in and out as you need. No registration required. ALL fitness levels welcome. All equipment provided. </p>
- CategoriesStudent Events
More from Student Events Calendar
- Mar 262:30 PMHabitat for Humanity: Restore Service ProjectEvent Name: Habitat for Humanity: Service Project Event Locator: 2025-AASXXT Event State: Confirmed Organization: Student Engagement Join the Habitat for Humanity members to volunteer at the Joliet Restore!
- Mar 264:00 PMStudent Senate MeetingEvent State: Confirmed Organization: Student Engagement Event Name: Student Senate Meeting Event Locator: 2024-AASFWZ
- Mar 264:00 PMUndocuAlly TrainingEvent State: Confirmed Organization: Office of Diversity Event Name: UndocuAlly Training Event Locator: 2025-AASTSD Please join the Office of Diversity for our UndocuAlly Training on March 26th from 4 - 5:30pm on Zoom. No registration required. All are welcome.
- Mar 267:00 PMLewis Latin Dance & Pop Dance ClassEvent Name: Lewis Latin Dance & Pop Dance Class Event Locator: 2025-AASSXM Event State: Confirmed Organization: Student Engagement The purpose of this student organization is to not only teach both Latin style and hip-hop fundamentals but to also have fun with them during dance class, all while exploring he rhythm and culture.
- Mar 279:00 AMDay of GivingEvent Name: Day of Giving Event Locator: 2025-AASSJM Event State: Confirmed Organization: University Advancement Day of Giving is an annual celebration of school spirit in support of Lewis projects nominated by faculty and staff as well as funds that are popular with the greater Lewis community. Stritch Hall will be open for faculty, staff and alumni to stop by for treats and make their Day of Giving gifts. Students are welcome to visit, write thank you notes and win swag prizes.
- Mar 279:30 AMReclaiming History Roundtable: From Third World Liberation to TikTok UniversityEvent Name: Reclaiming History Roundtable Event State: Confirmed Organization: Office of Diversity Event Locator: 2025-AASTTZ <p data-start="105" data-end="300"><strong data-start="105" data-end="188">Reclaiming History Roundtable: From Third World Liberation to TikTok University<br data-start="188" data-end="191" /><strong data-start="191" data-end="207">Date & Time: Thursday, March 27th, 9:30 - 10:45 am<br data-start="245" data-end="248" /><strong data-start="248" data-end="261">Location: Faculty Dining Room, Romeoville Campus <p data-start="302" data-end="815">The Office of Diversity invites everyone to participate in a meaningful roundtable discussion that explores the powerful histories of liberation led by diverse Women of Color communities from the 1960s to today. This open conversation, guided by faculty and students, will reflect on the evolution of resistance movements, from the Third World Liberation movements of the past to the dynamic platforms of today, such as TikTok University. Come share in this important dialogue and celebrate Women's History Month. <p data-start="302" data-end="815">https://lewisu-edu.zoom.us/j/2369794577?pwd=Ncll7iUgwsPdH3qr4etc9KeCwcEq4Y.1&omn=84242320332